How to start Contributing to Bdk

How to start Contributing to Bdk

To Start Contributing to Bdk

You better know about the basics of Rust. Bdk is built using Rust.

What is Bdk?

bdk-box.png BitcoinDevKit(BDK) aims to build a collection of tools and libraries that are designed to be a solid foundation for cross-platform Bitcoin wallets, along with full working reference implementation wallets for various different platforms. All bdk components are designed to be lightweight and it can be adapt very easily and it doesn't take much storage. Bdk has single-sig mobile wallets to multi-billion-dollar cold storage vaults. The simplest way to Integrate a Bitcoin wallet into any application. bdk is written in rust. Rust is a very fast compiled language. it makes very fast the application. Rust has so many memory management features, ownership, shadowing, etc. In bdk , Actually you can see the wallets, and how wallets store the keys. bdk uses a set of feature flags while compiling, you can mention the feature flag that you want to be compiled, which makes the code compilation process made fast.

Advantages of Rust :-


  • Rust has features like ownership, mutability, shadowing, etc

  • Rust has been used widely in the blockchain Industry, Gaming Industry.

  • Rust has a mutability concept, unlike Java, python.

  • Rust has an amazing feature Faster Debugging.

How to Get Started:-

Firstly, you need to have a system with requirements like 8GB ram, and 256 Gb storage. Don't go directly to the Source code of bdk, first, you have to go through the basics of rust, rust functions, rust modules, closures, and practice the syntax of Rust. Once you are done with the basics of rust, then you go through the source code of bdk go to the issues tab, and try to solve the issues of the project. and if you have written some code, make a PR to the repo, and wait for the reviews by the developers. and start doing the same process find the issues and implement and make a PR to the repo. and try to dig into the code and understand. when you clone the repo, you might get some errors trying to understand.

when you are in the project folder to see how many tests are running

run cargo tests you see all tests will be run of the project

actually, you can mention as flag particular tests to run

for Example run cargo test -- --test database

you can see all the tests related to database tests.

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